To be, or not to be (Triptyque)


Oil paintings on canvas. From the left is the Rubens’s Old man (copied at the Louvre)_ Autoportrait inspired from the Viktor Govorkov poster masterpiece, whose hero has taken the decision to live a sober way of life. Many posters have emerged during the pro-Russian propaganda, and since 1920 the Soviet government has been trying to install new moral values and combat these social problems. This famous poster was created in 1954, at a time when young people were traveling to work on Ural and Siberia to extract coal, uranium, gold and diamonds. Due to Stalin’s era, the country was afraid, morale was down and alcohol was relatively inexpensive. The poster is the author’s (Viktor Govorkov) masterpiece, whose hero has taken the decision to live a sober way of life.. On the right portrait of Momo from The Marché d’Aligre in Paris. (excuse my english)